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What's holding your company back?


It’s something we all learned about in history class when we were in high school…. Naturally leadership applies to great presidents and generals from wars past…. But, how important is leadership in everyday life? In your workplace? Lack of leadership may just be what is holding back success for your organization.

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. ~John Quincy Adams

While we unquestionably are lifted up and inspired by our football heroes, and recognize the leadership qualities of great historical figures like George Washington or Martin Luther King, Jr.---for some there may be a disconnect in thoughts surrounding workplace and leadership. It’s just a job. Why would employees need to be inspired? How can this benefit our company? Shouldn’t a paycheck be enough?

To be sure, the millennials have contributed much to raising the standard in the workplace arena. They challenge the workplace environment to provide answers to more meaningful questions than our grandparents even thought to ask. Depression-era survivors were glad to even have a job.

If your organization struggles with seeing the value of inspiration, take heart. You are not alone. According to Gallup, 70 % of employees are disengaged at their workplace. Could it be that these people who are disengaged look around and see no one they can follow?

I know of no single formula for success. But over the years I have observed that some attributes of leadership are universal and are often about finding ways of encouraging people to combine their efforts, their talents, their insights, their enthusiasm and their inspiration to work together.

~Queen Elizabeth II

The good news from the research shows that there is incredible diversity in leadership qualities, and only 4 qualities (out of 33 identified) need to be displayed in order to make a person an inspiration to others.

Leadership may come in packages that are diverse, but one thing’s for certain: people recognize someone they want to follow, and finding and developing good leaders may just be the most important thing your company could ever do.


Employee engagement is what Notionfront specializes in, and engagement benefits all areas of life: work, home, and play. Take our survey to see your engagement score.

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